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  • 4th year students are exposed to a variety of courses namely: Foundation (12 weeks), Medicine 1 (8 weeks), Surgery 1 (8 weeks), Ophthalmology (4weeks), Emergency Medicine (4 weeks), Psychiatry (4 weeks), Orthopedics (4 weeks), Community Medicine (4 weeks), Radiology (4 weeks), and Forensics (4 weeks).
  • 5th year students are exposed to Medicine 2&3 (12 weeks), Surgery 2&3 (12 weeks), Gynecology and Obstetrics (8 weeks), and Pediatrics (8 weeks).
  • Our students are incorporated in Skills lab. during the Foundation course, 4th and 5th years and the Internship year as well.
  • Internship students have a compulsory 12 months program to rotate around different departments, namely: Medicine 3 months, Surgery 3 months, Gynecology & Obstetrics 2 months, Pediatrics 2 months, Community and Family medicine 1 month, and elective 1 month.

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  • Department of Internal Medicine.
  • Department of General Surgery, and other specialties.
  • Department of Ophthalmology.
  • Department of Pediatrics.
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
  • Department of Community and family Medicine.
  • Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology.
  • Department of Emergency Medicine.
  • Department of Psychiatry.
  • Department of Forensic Medicine.
  • Department of Orthopedics.

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  • Patients satisfaction with health care quality at Benghazi Medical Center, 2016; A cross sectional survey.
  • Occupational stress and Satisfaction of pediatricians at oncology and hematology with their job
  • Clinico-Demographic Features of ESRD Patients Attending the Hemodialysis Unit at Ejdabia Hospital, 2017
  • Pediatric malignant solid tumors. (Review article)
  • Patients satisfaction with services provided to them at Pediatric Oncology Department, Pediatric Hospital Benghazi, 2017.
  • Nutritional status of the patients admitted to pediatric hospital Benghazi. A cross-sectional survey 2016.
  • Childhood leukemias (Review article)
  • Clinico-epidemiological aspects of stroke among Libyan patients admitted to Benghazi Medical Center, 2017
  • Prevalence of nutritional anemia among pregnant women attending ante-natal clinics at Elkeish polyclinic, Benghazi 2017

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  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Tutorials
  • Laboratories
  • Clinical skills laboratory training
  • Primary health care sitting
  • Hospital training /Bed side teaching
  • Student activities
  • Mentorship

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  • 4th year students are exposed to a variety of courses namely: Foundation (12 weeks), Medicine 1 (8 weeks), Surgery 1 (8 weeks), Ophthalmology (4weeks), Emergency Medicine (4 weeks), Psychiatry (4 weeks), Orthopedics (4 weeks),
  • 5th year students are exposed to Medicine 2&3 (12 weeks), Surgery 2&3 (12 weeks), Gynecology and Obstetrics (8 weeks), and Pediatrics (8 weeks).
  • Our students are incorporated in Skills lab. during the Foundation course, 4th and 5th years and the Internship year as well.