Faculty of Pharmacy First Year Students Seminar

Four groups of first-year students at the Faculty of Pharmacy presented yesterday morning a seminar within the requirements of the second general dispensing educational unit, in the form of presentations, the first group consisted of two students:

(*) Nabras Fadhil Amer (*) Safaa Abdullah al-Farsi
They presented their presentation under the title Compulsive Disorders

The second group of female students was:
(*) Fatima Adel (*) Sarah Ramadan (*) Iman Bin Halim

They presented their show under the title: Color Blindness

The third group of students consisted of:
(*) Hanin Mohammed (*) Rataj Ahmed (*) Jamal Ramadan
They presented their show: Delayed Speech Children

The fourth group of female students was formed:
(*) Najat Sami (*) Salspil (*) Wafa Ahmed
They presented them under the title Stem Cell Therapy (Benefits & Risk)

It is worth mentioning that presentations are prepared by students in groups so that each group deals with a different theme from the other groups, and before the presentation, students are organized in individual tests, after which the students are divided into several teams and the questions are discussed as a team, and then Students meet with faculty members who discuss their answers, and how they match the correct answers, and in conclusion, students discuss with teachers the unclear points of brain storming or lectures and laboratories during the past week, and then direct faculty members Some questions to students to see how well they understand and understand the scientific content.
